The Research Seminar is a weekly space that focuses on various areas of applied mathematics, with special emphasis on Mathematical Optimization and Modeling. The main objective is to share the research results of the Modemat and put the researchers of the Center in contact with academics from all over the world, in person or through virtual platforms. Organizer of the seminar: Sergio González Andrade. To subscribe to the Seminar mailing list or propose a talk in it, please write to: sergio.gonzalez@epn.edu.ec

Hybrid algorithms for environmental data analysis

Hybrid algorithms for environmental data analysis

By Prof. Dr. Jesús Portilla. Escuela Politécnica Nacional

Seminar Date: 2022-05-19

Management of environmental data requires synthetization this is generally achived by numerical or mathematical thecniques such as clustering, neural networks, or principal components analysis. However, for large and complex data, and in absence of "constraints" these methods hardly converge to a coherent output, or sometimes, if they do have the skill to converge, the computational burden is overwhelming. In order to get around that limitation, we introduce prior information of the pysical system in order to constraint the data (physically or statistically), and reach a solution. The coherence (used now loosely for convergence) is verified by the physical consistency of the result, and the computations are much cheaper. However, although we remain in a Bayesian framework, the mathematical purity of the method is compromised.

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