The Research Seminar is a weekly space that focuses on various areas of applied mathematics, with special emphasis on Mathematical Optimization and Modeling. The main objective is to share the research results of the Modemat and put the researchers of the Center in contact with academics from all over the world, in person or through virtual platforms. Organizer of the seminar: Sergio González Andrade. To subscribe to the Seminar mailing list or propose a talk in it, please write to: sergio.gonzalez@epn.edu.ec

On the long-time behavior for a damped Navier-Stokes-Bardina model

On the long-time behavior for a damped Navier-Stokes-Bardina model

By Dr. Fernando Cortez. Escuela Politécnica Nacional del Ecuador

Seminar Date: 2022-08-25

In this talk, we consider the damped Navier-Stokes-Bardina model posed on the whole threedimensional. These equations arise from some oceanic model and, from the mathematical point of view, they write down as the well-know Navier-Stokes equations with an additional nonlocal operator in their nonlinear transport term, and moreover, with an additional damping term depending of a parameter. We study first the existence and uniqueness of global in time weak solutions in the energy space. Thereafter, we are interested in describing their long time behavior. For this, we use some tools in the theory of dynamical systems to prove the existence of a global attractor, which is compact subset in the energy space attracting all the weak solutions when the time goes to infinity. Moreover, we derive an upper bound for the fractal dimension of the global attractor associated to these equations.

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