El Seminario de Investigación es un espacio semanal que se enfoca en diversas áreas de la matemática aplicada, con especial énfasis en la Optimización Matemática y en la Modelización. El objetivo principal es compartir los resultados de investigación del Modemat y poner en contacto a los investigadores del Centro con académicos de todo el mundo, de forma presencial o a través de plataformas virtuales. Para suscribirse a la lista de correos del Seminario o proponer una charla en el mismo, por favor escribir a: sergio.gonzalez@epn.edu.ec

The sequential quadratic Hamiltonian scheme solving challenging optimal control problems

The sequential quadratic Hamiltonian scheme solving challenging optimal control problems

By Alfio Borzì, profesor de la Universidad de Wuerzburg, Alemania

Fecha seminario: 2020-10-22

The sequential quadratic Hamiltonian (SQH) method for solving different classes of non-smooth and non-convex ODE and PDE optimal control problems is presented. The solutions to these problems are characterised by the Pontryagins maximum principle (PMP), which is also the starting point for the formulation of the SQH scheme. Convergence of the SQH method is discussed for different benchmark control problems. These problems include linear and nonlinear differential models with linear and bilinear control mechanisms, non-convex and discontinuous costs of the controls, the case of state constraints, etc.. Results of numerical experiments are presented that demonstrate the large range of applicability of the SQH scheme

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