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Robot Dance: using optimization against COVID 19 in a complex network

Robot Dance: using optimization against COVID 19 in a complex network

By Dr.Paulo J. S. Silva, profesor de la Universidad de Campinhas, Brasil

Fecha seminario: 2021-10-28

Robot Dance is a computational platform developed in response to the coronavirus outbreak, to support the decision making on public policies at a regional level. The tool is suitable for understanding and suggesting levels of intervention needed to contain the spread of diseases when the mobility of inhabitants through a regional network is a concern. Such is the case of a highly contagious virus like Covid-19, for which the epidemiological compartmental models describing the infection dynamics must consider the circulation of people. Robot Dance anticipates the spread of the transmission in a complex regional network, identifying fragile links where applying differentiated measures of containment, testing, and vaccination is the most effective. By solving a stochastic optimization problem on a complex network, the model determines optimal strategies on the basis of commuting of individuals and the situation of hospitals in each district

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