El Seminario de Investigación es un espacio semanal que se enfoca en diversas áreas de la matemática aplicada, con especial énfasis en la Optimización Matemática y en la Modelización. El objetivo principal es compartir los resultados de investigación del Modemat y poner en contacto a los investigadores del Centro con académicos de todo el mundo, de forma presencial o a través de plataformas virtuales. Para suscribirse a la lista de correos del Seminario o proponer una charla en el mismo, por favor escribir a: sergio.gonzalez@epn.edu.ec

Learning data-driven priors for image reconstruction: From bilevel optimisation to neural network-based unrolled schemes

Learning data-driven priors for image reconstruction: From bilevel optimisation to neural network-based unrolled schemes

By Kostas Papafitsoros. Profesor de la Universidad Queen Mary de Londres

Fecha seminario: 2023-03-09

Combining classical model-based variational methods for image reconstruction with deep learning techniques has attracted a significant amount of attention during the last years. The aim is to combine the interpretability and the reconstruction guarantees of a model-based method with the flexibility and the state-of-the-art reconstruction performance that the deep neural networks are capable of achieving. We introduce a general novel image reconstruction approach that achieves such a combination which we motivate by recent developments in deeply learned algorithm unrolling and data-driven regularisation as well as by bilevel optimisation schemes for regularisation parameter estimation.

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